This is what the fabulous Year 2 students had to say about this term at school:

We have been doing some extra cool art with lines, circles and patterns – Taaiba

We have been doing cool PE! The activities are great like, Dinosaur tag, Jurassic Park. We had a lot of fun!! – Sirat

We made handprints for National Day of Action Against Bullying. We did this activity to say “STOP Bullying.” We learnt that we use our hands to help others and not hurt other people – Hajar

We dressed up in traditional clothes for Harmony Day. We celebrate Harmony Day to show that we all live in peace together. We had a colouring competition too. It was so exciting!! - Joori & Jana

In Writing, we have been writing Information reports. We learnt some cool facts about different Australian animals. Giraffes’ necks are long and they can’t bend down – Aya

Giraffes walk with both legs on the same side moving at the same time - Ahmed H

Kangaroos can’t move backwards. Red Kangaroos are the largest marsupials - Maryam Sheriff

Koalas don’t drink water. They get water from the gum leaves they eat - Jassim

In Maths, we have been learning to measure things with a ruler. There are 100cms in 1 metre – Suleyman

We learnt to add numbers on the number lines. We must start from the bigger number - Umrah

I love the times table ladder. I am at the top of the 2 times table ladder – Ibrahim

We learnt to add numbers in our heads, and I can do that very quickly - Sajad

I loved creating the Zen garden. Zen garden is for relaxing - Melis

I liked making a model of a constellation in STEM. We used marshmallows and spaghetti – Ameer

Hope to continue this wonderful learning journey with your child for the rest of the year.

Have a lovely break!!

Mrs. Pandher
Year 2 Class Teacher